IEEE 2018 Dotnet and Java Titles

SNo Project Title Domain Year
DM01 RNN-DBSCAN: A Density-based Clustering Algorithm using Reverse Nearest Neighbor Density Estimates Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM02 Scalable Content-Aware Collaborative Filtering for Location Recommendation Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM03 Road Traffic Speed Prediction: A Probabilistic Model Fusing Multi-Source Data Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM04 A Comprehensive Study on Social Network Mental Disorders Detection via Online Social Media Mining Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM05 MetaFlow: a Scalable Metadata Lookup Service for Distributed File Systems in Data Centers Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM06 Structure Based User Identification across Social Networks Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM07 Local and Global Structure Preservation for Robust Unsupervised Spectral Feature Selection Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM08 A Novel Association Rule Mining Method of Big Data for Power Transformers State Parameters Based on Probabilistic Graph Model Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM09 Using Data Mining to Predict Hospital Admissions from the Emergency Department Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM10 Corporate Communication Network and Stock Price Movements: Insights From Data Mining Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM11 Frequent Itemsets Mining with Differential Privacy over Large-scale Data Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM12 Weakly-supervised Deep Embedding for Product Review Sentiment Analysis Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM13 Answering Natural Language Questions by Subgraph Matching over Knowledge Graphs Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM14 Workload Management in Database Management Systems: A Taxonomy Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM15 Ultra High-Dimensional Nonlinear Feature Selection for Big Biological Data Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM16 Using Data Mining to Predict Hospital Admissions From the Emergency Department Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM17 Credit Card Fraud Detection Using AdaBoost and Majority Voting Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM18 Adversarial Deep Learning Models with Multiple Adversaries Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
CC01 Efficient Traceable Authorization Search System for Secure Cloud Storage Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC02 Structure Based User Identification across Social Networks Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC03 Audit-Free Cloud Storage via Deniable Attribute-based Encryption Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC04 Energy Efficient Scheduling of Servers with Multi-Sleep Modes for Cloud Data Center Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC05 A tight estimate of job completion time in vehicular clouds Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC06 Provably secure and lightweight identity-based authenticated data sharing protocol for cyber-physical cloud environment Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC07 A Lightweight Secure Data Sharing Scheme for Mobile Cloud Computing Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC08 A Shapley-value Mechanism for Bandwidth On Demand between Datacenters Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC09 Adaptive Dispatching of Tasks in the Cloud Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC10 Towards Privacy-preserving Content-based Image Retrieval in Cloud Computing Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC11 Towards Efficient Resource Allocation for Heterogeneous Workloads in IaaS Clouds Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC12 Architectural Protection of Application Privacy Against Software and Physical Attacks in Untrusted Cloud Environment Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC13 Cloud-based Fine-grained Health Information Access Control Framework for Lightweight IoT Devices with Dynamic Auditing and Attribute Revocation Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC14 Catch You if You Misbehave: Ranked Keyword Search Results Verification in Cloud Computing Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC15 Towards Privacy Preserving Publishing of Set-valued Data on Hybrid Cloud Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC16 Distributed Resource Allocation for Data Center Networks: A Hierarchical Game Approach Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC17 MapReduce Scheduling for Deadline-Constrained Jobs in Heterogeneous Cloud Computing Systems Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC18 Dynamic VM Scaling: Provisioning and Pricing through an Online Auction Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC19 An Efficient and Secured Framework for Mobile Cloud Computing Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC20 Efficient Traceable Authorization Search System for Secure Cloud Storage Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
BD01 Big Data Based Security Analytics for Protecting Virtualized Infrastructures in Cloud Computing Big Data Net/JAVA2018
BD02 Smart Monitoring Cameras Driven Intelligent Processing to Big Surveillance Video Data Big Data Net/JAVA2018
BD03 Speed Up Big Data Analytics by Unveiling the Storage Distribution of Sub-datasets Big Data Net/JAVA2018
BD04 Ring: Real-Time Emerging Anomaly Monitoring System over Text Streams Big Data Net/JAVA2018
BD05 Taxi-Passenger-Demand Modeling Based on Big Data from a Roving Sensor Network Big Data Net/JAVA2018
BD06 Distributed Feature Selection for Efficient Economic Big Data Analysis Big Data Net/JAVA2018
BD07 CityLines: Designing Hybrid Hub-and-Spoke Transit System with Urban Big Data Big Data Net/JAVA2018
BD08 Modeling and Visualizing Student Flow Big Data Net/JAVA2018
BD09 QuantCloud: Enabling Big Data Complex Event Processing for Quantitative Finance through a Data-Driven Execution Big Data Net/JAVA2018
BD10 JouleMR: Towards Cost-Effective and Green-Aware Data Processing Frameworks Big Data Net/JAVA2018
BD11 From Latency, through Outbreak, to Decline: Detecting Different States of Emergency Events Using Web Resources Big Data Net/JAVA2018
BD12 MetaFlow: a Scalable Metadata Lookup Service for Distributed File Systems in Data Centers Big Data Net/JAVA2018
BD13 Big Data Oriented Novel Background Subtraction Algorithm for Urban Surveillance Systems Big Data Net/JAVA2018
BD14 A Generic Data Analytics System for Manufacturing Production Big Data Net/JAVA2018
BD15 JouleMR: Towards Cost-Effective and Green-Aware Data Processing Frameworks Big Data Net/JAVA2018
BD16 Speed Up Big Data Analytics by Unveiling the Storage Distribution of Sub-datasets Spark Framework Big Data Net/JAVA2018
BD17 MapReduce Scheduling for Deadline-Constrained Jobs in Heterogeneous Cloud Computing Systems Big Data Net/JAVA2018
BD18 Parallel Random Forest Algorithm for Big Data in a Spark Cloud Computing Environment Big Data Net/JAVA2018
BD19 A Big Data Analysis Framework Using Apache Spark and Deep Learning Big Data Net/JAVA2018
BD20 Fair Resource Allocation for Data-Intensive Computing in the Cloud Big Data Net/JAVA2018
BD21 Cost-Aware Big Data Processing across Geo-distributed Datacenters Big Data Net/JAVA2018
BD22 Online Internet traffic monitoring system using spark streaming Big Data Net/JAVA2018
BD23 Stream text data analysis on twitter using apache spark streaming Big Data Net/JAVA2018
BD24 Using apache spark to collect analytic from the streaming data processing application logs Big Data Net/JAVA2018
BD25 Cloud Centric Authentication for Wearable Healthcare Monitoring System Big Data Net/JAVA2018
IM 01 Segmentation- and Annotation-Free License Plate Recognition With Deep Localization and Failure Identification Image Processing Net/JAVA2018
IM 02 Steganography with Multiple JPEG Images of the Same Scene Image Processing Net/JAVA2018
IM 03 Modified classification and regression tree for facial expression recognition with using difference expression images Image Processing Net/JAVA2018
IM 04 Facial Age Estimation with Age Difference Image Processing Net/JAVA2018
IM 05 Words Matter: Scene Text for Image Classification and Retrieval Image Processing Net/JAVA2018
IM 06 Words Matter: Scene Text for Image Classification and Retrieval Image Processing Net/JAVA2018
IM 07 Discriminative Multi-view Interactive Image Re-ranking Image Processing Net/JAVA2018
IM 08 Semi-Supervised Online Multi-Kernel Similarity Learning for Image Retrieval Image Processing Net/JAVA2018
IM 09 Improved Random Forest for Classification Image Processing Net/JAVA2018
IM 10 Salient object detection with spatial temporal background priors for video Image Processing Net/JAVA2018
IM 11 Real-Time Moving Object Segmentation and Classification from HEVC Compressed Surveillance Video Image Processing Net/JAVA2018
DSC01 Understanding JavaScript Vulnerabilities in Large Real-World Android Applications Dependable and Secure Computing Net/JAVA2018
DSC02 Enabling Efficient User Revocation in Identity-based Cloud Storage Auditing for Shared Big Data Dependable and Secure Computing Net/JAVA2018
DSC03 Efficient and Expressive Keyword Search Over Encrypted Data in Cloud Dependable and Secure Computing Net/JAVA2018
DSC04 Searchable Encryption over Feature-Rich Data Dependable and Secure Computing Net/JAVA2018
DSC05 Risk Assessment in Social Networks Based on User Anomalous Behaviors Dependable and Secure Computing Net/JAVA2018
DSC06 Rumor Source Identification in Social Networks with Time-Varying Topology Dependable and Secure Computing Net/JAVA2018
SE01 Empirical Evaluation of the Impact of Object Oriented Code Refactoring on Quality Attributes: A Systematic Literature Review Software Engineering Net/JAVA2018
SE02 A Developer Centered Bug Prediction Model Software Engineering Net/JAVA2018
SE03 Effectively Incorporating Expert Knowledge in Automated Software Remodularisation Software Engineering Net/JAVA2018
SE04 Refactoring Inspection Support for Manual Refactoring Edits Software Engineering Net/JAVA2018
CC021 A New Lightweight Symmetric Searchable Encryption Scheme for String Identification Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC022 A Key-Policy Attribute-Based Temporary Keyword Search scheme for Secure Cloud Storage Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC023 Energy Efficient Scheduling of Servers with Multi-Sleep Modes for Cloud Data Center Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC024 Privacy-Preserving Outsourced Support Vector Machine Design for Secure Drug Discovery Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC025 Privacy Aware Data Deduplication for Side Channel in Cloud Storage Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC026 Chaotic Searchable Encryption for Mobile Cloud Storage Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC027 Translating Algorithms to Handle Fully Homomorphic Encrypted Data on the Cloud Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC028 DROPS: Division and Replication of Data in Cloud for Optimal Performance and Security Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC029 Secure Identity-based Data Sharing and Profile Matching for Mobile Healthcare Social Networks in Cloud Computing(access) Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC030 Accountable Privacy-Preserving Mechanism For Cloud Computing Based On Identity-Based Encryption Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC031 Attribute-Hiding Predicate Encryption With Equality Test in Cloud Computing Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC032 Improving Privacy and Security in Decentralizing Multi-Authority Attribute-Based Encryption in Cloud Computing Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC033 An Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Biometric Identification Scheme in Cloud Computing Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC034 Secure and Efficient Product Information Retrieval in Cloud Computing Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC035 Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption With Delegated Equality Test in Cloud Computing Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC036 Anonymous Authentication Scheme for Smart Cloud Based Healthcare Applications Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC037 Privacy-Preserving Search Over Encrypted Personal Health Record In Multi-Source Cloud Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC038 Insecurity of A Key-Policy Attribute Based Encryption Scheme With Equality Test Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC039 Enabling Search Over Encrypted Cloud Data With Concealed Search Pattern Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC040 Efficient Client-Side Deduplication of Encrypted Data With Public Auditing in Cloud Storage Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC041 A Practical Public Key Encryption Scheme Based on Learning Parity With Noise Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC042 Secure Multi-Authority Data Access Control Scheme in Cloud Storage System Based on Attribute-Based Signcryption Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC043 Efficiently Revocable and Searchable Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme for Mobile Cloud Storage Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC044 Shared-Resource Management Using Online Social-Relationship Metric for Altruistic Device Sharing Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC045 Achieving Secure and Privacy-Preserving Incentive in Vehicular Cloud Advertisement Dissemination Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC046 An Efficient Ranked Multi-Keyword Search for Multiple Data Owners Over Encrypted Cloud Data Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC047 PriGuarder: A Privacy-Aware Access Control Approach Based on Attribute Fuzzy Grouping in Cloud Environments Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC048 Fog Computing-Enabled Secure Demand Response for Internet of Energy Against Collusion Attacks Using Consensus and ACE Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC049 Understanding User Behavior in Sina Weibo Online Social Network: A Community Approach Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
CC050 Provably Secure Fine-Grained Data Access Control over Multiple Cloud Servers in Mobile Cloud Computing Based Healthcare Applications Cloud Computing Net/JAVA2018
DM019 Characterizing and Predicting Early Reviewers for Effective Product Marketing on E-Commerce Websites Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM020 Privacy-Preserving Social Media Data Publishing for Personalized Ranking-Based Recommendation Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM021 Characterizing and Predicting Early Reviewers for Effective Product Marketing on E-Commerce Websites Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM022 Achieving Data Truthfulness and Privacy Preservation in Data Markets Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM023 We Like, We Post: A Joint User-Post Approach for Facebook Post Stance Labeling Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM024 Supervised Search Result Diversification via Subtopic Attention Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM025 Multi-Label Learning with Emerging New Labels Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM026 Exploring Hierarchical Structures for Recommender Systems Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM027 Leveraging Conceptualization for Short-Text Embedding Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM028 Online Product Quantization Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM029 A Topic Modeling Approach for Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescriptions Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM030 Authenticating Aggregate Queries over Set-Valued Data with Confidentiality Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM031 Using Heterogeneous Social Media as Auxiliary Information to Improve Hotel Recommendation Performance Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM032 Auditing Big Data Storage in Cloud Computing Using Divide and Conquer Tables Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM033 Block Design-based Key Agreement for Group Data Sharing in Cloud Computing Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM034 Product Adoption Rate Prediction in a Competitive Market Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM035 Secure and Efficient Skyline Queries on Encrypted Data Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM036 Learning customer behavior for effective load forecasting Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM037 Normalization of Duplicate Records from Multiple Sources Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DM038 A General Framework for Implicit and Explicit Social Recommendation Data Mining Net/JAVA2018
DSC07 Efficient and Expressive Keyword Search Over Encrypted Data in Cloud Dependable and Secure Computing Net/JAVA2018
DSC08 Searchable Encryption over Feature-Rich Data Dependable and Secure Computing Net/JAVA2018
DSC09 Risk Assessment in Social Networks Based on User Anomalous Behaviors Dependable and Secure Computing JAVA/2018
DSC010 Rumor Source Identification in Social Networks with Time-Varying Topology Dependable and Secure Computing JAVA/2018
DSC011 Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Outsourced Calculation of Rational Numbers Dependable and Secure Computing JAVA/2018
DSC012 Enhanced Secure Thresholded Data Deduplication Scheme for Cloud Storage Dependable and Secure Computing JAVA/2018
DSC013 Privacy-Preserving Multi-keyword Top-k Similarity Search Over Encrypted Data Dependable and Secure Computing JAVA/2018
DSC014 You Can Access But You Cannot Leak: Defending against Illegal Content Redistribution in Encrypted Cloud Media Center Dependable and Secure Computing JAVA/2018
DSC015 Attribute-Based Hybrid Boolean Keyword Search over Outsourced Encrypted Data Dependable and Secure Computing JAVA/2018
DSC016 Cloud Centric Authentication for Wearable Healthcare Monitoring System Dependable and Secure Computing JAVA/2018
DSC017 Secure Biometric-Based Authentication Scheme using Chebyshev Chaotic Map for Multi-Server Environment Dependable and Secure Computing JAVA/2018
DSC018 Privacy-Preserving Location Based Services Scheme Against Quantum Attacks Dependable and Secure Computing JAVA/2018
DSC019 Privacy Protection in Interactive Content Based Image Retrieval Dependable and Secure Computing JAVA/2018
DSC020 Search Ranges Efficiently and Compatibly as Keywords over Encrypted Data Dependable and Secure Computing JAVA/2018
DSC021 Fuzzy Identity-Based Data Integrity Auditing for Reliable Cloud Storage Systems Dependable and Secure Computing JAVA/2018
DSC022 Privacy-preserving Friendship-based Recommender Systems Dependable and Secure Computing JAVA/2018
DSC023 Privacy Leakage via De-anonymization and Aggregation in Heterogeneous Social Networks Dependable and Secure Computing JAVA/2018
JNS01 A Blockchain Based Privacy-Preserving Incentive Mechanism in Crowdsensing Applications Network Security JAVA/2018
JNS02 CDA: A Clustering Degree Based Influential Spreader Identification Algorithm in Weighted Complex Network Network Security JAVA/2018
JNS03 A Cross-Layer Security Monitoring Selection Algorithm Based on Traffic Prediction Network Security JAVA/2018
JNS04 A Lightweight Digital Signature Based Security Scheme for Human-Centered Internet of Things Network Security JAVA/2018
JNS05 A Network Coding and DES Based Dynamic Encryption Scheme for Moving Target Defense Network Security JAVA/2018
JNS06 LNSC: A Security Model for Electric Vehicle and Charging Pile Management Based on Blockchain Ecosystem Network Security JAVA/2018
JNS07 A Self-Adaptive Deep Learning-Based System for Anomaly Detection in 5G Networks Network Security JAVA/2018
JNS08 An Intra-Slice Security Solution for Emerging 5G Networks Based on Pseudo-Random Number Generators Network Security JAVA/2018
JNS09 Anonymous Authentication Scheme for Smart Cloud Based Healthcare Applications Network Security JAVA/2018
JNS010 Conditional Privacy-Preserving Authentication Using Registration List in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks Network Security JAVA/2018
JNS011 Contagion of Cheating Behaviors in Online Social Networks Network Security JAVA/2018
JNS012 De-Anonymizing Social Networks With Random Forest Classifier Network Security JAVA/2018
JNS013 Detecting Malicious Behaviors in JavaScript Applications Network Security JAVA/2018
JNS014 Distributed Multiparty Key Management for Efficient Authentication in the Internet of Things Network Security JAVA/2018
JNS015 ETAP: Energy-Efficient and Traceable Authentication Protocol in Mobile Medical Cloud Architecture Network Security JAVA/2018
JNS016 Enhancing Trust Management for Wireless Intrusion Detection via Traffic Sampling in the Era of Big Data Network Security JAVA/2018
JNS017 Leakage Models and Inference Attacks on Searchable Encryption for Cyber-Physical Social Systems Network Security JAVA/2018
JNS018 Linguistic Feature Based Filtering Mechanism for Recommending Posts in a Social Networking Group Network Security JAVA/2018
JNS019 Motivating Content Sharing and Trustworthiness in Mobile Social Networks Network Security JAVA/2018
JNS020 PhishLimiter: A Phishing Detection and Mitigation Approach Using Software-Defined Networking Network Security JAVA/2018
JNS021 Privacy Preservation for Outsourced Medical Data With Flexible Access Control Network Security JAVA/2018
JNS022 Privacy-Preserving Protocol for Sink Node Location in Telemedicine Networks Network Security JAVA/2018
JNS023 Reliable Decision Making of Accepting Friend Request on Online Social Networks Network Security JAVA/2018
JNS024 Revocable Identity-Based Encryption Scheme under LWE Assumption in the Standard Model Network Security JAVA/2018
JNS025 Secure and Efficient Large Content Broadcasting in Mobile Social Networks Network Security JAVA/2018
JNS026 Secure and Efficient Product Information Retrieval in Cloud Computing Network Security JAVA/2018
JNS027 Secure Attribute-Based Signature Scheme With Multiple Authorities for Blockchain in Electronic Health Records Systems Network Security JAVA/2018
JNS028 Secure Delegation-Based Authentication for Telecare Medicine Information Systems Network Security JAVA/2018
JNS029 Secure Identity-Based Data Sharing and Profile Matching for Mobile Healthcare Social Networks in Cloud Computing Network Security JAVA/2018
JNS030 Secure Monitoring of Patients With Wandering Behavior in Hospital Environments Network Security JAVA/2018
JNS031 Sonification of Network Traffic for Detecting and Learning About Botnet Behavior Network Security JAVA/2018
JN01 Real-Time Path Planning in Urban Area via VANET-Assisted Traffic Information Sharing Networking Net/JAVA2018
JN02 Optimal File Dissemination and Beamforming for Cache-Enabled C-RANs Networking Net/JAVA2018
JN03 Energy-Aware Routing for SWIPT in Multi-Hop Energy-Constrained Wireless Network Networking Net/JAVA2018
JN04 Secure and Efficient Privacy-Preserving Ciphertext Retrieval in Connected Vehicular Cloud Computing Networking Net/JAVA2018
JN05 Integrated Authentication and Key Agreement Framework for Vehicular Cloud Computing Networking Net/JAVA2018
JN06 Multi-Context Integrated Deep Neural Network Model for Next Location Prediction Networking Net/JAVA2018
JN07 Using a Distributed Roadside Unit for the Data Dissemination Protocol in VANET With the Named Data Architecture Networking Net/JAVA2018
JN08 A Service-Oriented Deployment Policy of End-to-End Network Slicing Based on Complex Network Theory Networking Net/JAVA2018
JN09 TDMA-Based Cooperative NC MAC Scheme for Two-Way Relaying Networks Networking Net/JAVA2018
JN010 Localized Fault Tolerant and Connectivity Restoration Algorithms in Mobile Wireless Ad Hoc Network Networking Net/JAVA2018
JN011 QTSAC: An Energy-Efficient MAC Protocol for Delay Minimization in Wireless Sensor Networks Networking OMNET/2018
SEC01 Certificateless public integrity checking of group shared data on cloud storage Service Computing JAVA/2018
SEC02 CryptCloud+: Secure and Expressive Data Access Control for Cloud Storage Service Computing JAVA/2018
SEC03 SEPDP: Secure and Efficient Privacy Preserving Provable Data Possession in Cloud Storage Service Computing JAVA/2018
SEC04 Lightweight Fine-Grained Search over Encrypted Data in Fog Computing Service Computing JAVA/2018
SEC05 Live Migration for Multiple Correlated Virtual Machines in Cloud-Based Data Centers Service Computing JAVA/2018
SEC06 Efficient Keyword Searching in Large-scale Social Network Service Service Computing JAVA/2018
SEC07 Lightweight Fine-Grained Search over Encrypted Data in Fog Computing Service Computing JAVA/2018
SEC08 Towards Encrypted In-Network Storage Services with Secure Near-Duplicate Detection Service Computing JAVA/2018
SEC09 SMS: A Framework for Service Discovery by Incorporating Social Media Information Service Computing JAVA/2018
SEC010 Context-aware Service Input Ranking by Learning from Historical Information Service Computing JAVA/2018
SEC011 Attribute-Based Keyword Search over Hierarchical Data in Cloud Computing Service Computing JAVA/2018
SEC012 Efficient and Adaptive Procurement Protocol with Purchasing Privacy Service Computing JAVA/2018
SEC013 Privacy-Preserving Top-k Spatial Keyword Queries in Untrusted Cloud Environments Service Computing JAVA/2018
SEC014 Semantic-based Compound Keyword Search over Encrypted Cloud Data Service Computing JAVA/2018
SEC015 Full Verifiability for Outsourced Decryption in Attribute Based Encryption Service Computing JAVA/2018
SEC016 Inference Attack-Resistant E-Healthcare Cloud System with Fine-Grained Access Control Service Computing JAVA/2018
SEC017 Secure Data Group Sharing and Dissemination with Attribute and Time Conditions in Public Cloud Service Computing JAVA/2018
SEC018 Privacy-Preserving Task Recommendation Services for Crowdsourcing Service Computing JAVA/2018
SEC019 Secure and Efficient Cloud Data Deduplication with Ownership Management Service Computing JAVA/2018
SEC020 Enabling Probabilistic Differential Privacy Protection for Location Recommendations Service Computing JAVA/2018
SEC021 Covering the Sensitive Subjects to Protect Personal Privacy in Personalized Recommendation Service Computing JAVA/2018
SE05 LEILA: Formal Tool For Identifying Mobile Malicious Behavior Software Engineering Net/JAVA2018
SE06 Text Filtering and Ranking for Security Bug Report Prediction Software Engineering Net/JAVA2018
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